Fred and I have been on a few hikes since my last blog entry. We even convinced his daughter to join us one afternoon. We’ve eaten more, unhealthy, campfire food, and we’ve cleared some of the tree limbs and trees that broke off in the storm and landed on the trail. We haven’t hiked all of the Weetock, so I am sure there are a lot more obstructions to be cleared. Maybe someone else will get to some of them before we do. I would be grateful. Otherwise, I’ll try to hike the entire trail and cleanup what I can in the next few weeks.

I went for a short hike, today (Jan 12), and I noticed that someone has put up some new blue and white blazes, marking part of the original Weetock (the old, metal blazes) where the new trail has abandoned it. I’m not sure who re-blazed the original trail or why, but it could be a little confusing if the blue and white blazes indicate both the new trail route and the old, since they diverge in several places. I actually thought I was the only one with blue and white ribbon, other than Daniel, who spearheaded the new trail route.
I do wish there was some, coordinated effort. In the mean time, I don’t know how to tell you to follow the trail we’ve been trying to improve when the blue and white blazes on the old and the new trail are indistinguishable. I do, eventually, want to get away from the plastic ribbon blazes and put in posts that have “you are here” maps and indicators for the trail route. That might be a pipe dream, but I think it would make the trail much easier to navigate.