Burns and Floods

Estimated read time 2 min read

Looks like forestry did a burn on the west side of the beaver lake (and possibly the east side, but I didn’t investigate), which is the trail from the culvert to Long Point Rd. I’m not sure if the burn stopped at Lollipop Road or not. Even after the three inches of rain we got on Thursday (March 28), there was still at least one tree burning like a Roman candle.

Speaking of the three inches of rain, Fred and I took a hike last night to check out the flood. It was pretty flooded. We got pretty wet. We only had time to check out a couple areas. We saw the worst flooding in the flood plane around Holsten creek. The trail had some pretty deep puddles in other places and the streams were carrying the water away as fast as their stream beds could move it. I expect most areas to be navigable for the weekend, and it looks like it’s going to be a really nice weekend. You’d probably want to wear footwear that you don’t mind getting wet/muddy, but that’s sort of the nature of the Weetock trail in rainy years. Oh, and watch out for the slick bridges. Sometimes you are better off walking in the mud/water than trying to walk on the dilapidated, wooden bridges. It’s usually better to get wet feet than to get injured in a fall.

admin https://www.weetocktrail.org

I am an avid outdoors person. I recharge my batteries by hiking, kayaking, and spending time in nature. I created this blog to share some of my knowledge and experiences related to the Weetock trail and the surrounding natural areas, including the White Oak River and Hunters Creek.

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