Flaming Vistas

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Disclaimer: I don’t recommend anyone go hiking in a recently burned and/or still burning area of the forest to get pretty pictures. It is dangerous, since an underground stump may be burning and stepping into it can result in serious burns.

Having said that, I ventured too close to some burning stumps to get some pictures and video on April 7. At the risk of being lectured, I will share some here.

These images were recorded close to Long Point Road. I believe forestry has burned just about everything on the west side of HW58, now. We shouldn’t expect much, if any more burning on the Weetock trail this year. Everywhere I’ve looked, the blue and white blazes survived.

admin https://www.weetocktrail.org

I am an avid outdoors person. I recharge my batteries by hiking, kayaking, and spending time in nature. I created this blog to share some of my knowledge and experiences related to the Weetock trail and the surrounding natural areas, including the White Oak River and Hunters Creek.

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