The sun is staying up later, the woods is greening out and the mosquitoes are waking up.
I went for a hike last night (5/6). I arrived around 19:00 (7pm) and I got a few photos before it got too dark. I parked across from the Church on HW58 (the one that is south of Hillfield Road) and hiked into the woods to the Weetock trail, where I continued down towards Hunters Creek; down the firebreak road, south past the old deer stand, then back up the ancient road bed until the trail turns more southward, again to follow the edge of the marsh.
I wandered off trail a few times. It’s also notable that the blue-and-white blazed trail doesn’t follow the same course as the old trail (metal blazes), and both trails seem to get some traffic. I was switching between them and sometimes just wandering. Hiking in daylight has it’s advantages! The trail is getting pretty grown over in some places. It’s tempting to take a weed-eater out there, but whacking the poison ivy would probably kill me.
After I came out of the southernmost part of the trail down by the creek, I continued on the trail past the sawdust pile and walked up to Hillfield road (it was getting pretty late) via the “bear trail”, which is the connector that goes pretty much straight north from the Weetock to the parking area at the end of Hillfield Rd.
Fred Bear had joined me a ways back and he had parked on Hillfield near the southern terminus of the Weetock, so I got a ride from there to my car on HW58. It was almost midnight.