Early Fall, 2023, Camping

Estimated read time 2 min read

This year (2023) started out with massive swarms of mosquitoes that would come out around sunset. My first camping trips this spring were not always pleasant. I spent a lot of time, after dark, in my tent. However, the mosquitoes seemed to disappear over the summer. Sure, there were always some mosquitoes and I generally apply repellent and treat my clothes with permethrin to ward off mosquitoes and also ticks. The ticks were also bad for at least the first 7 months of this year. It was a very dry summer, and I suppose that inhibited the mosquitoes.

Anyway, the fall has been almost bug free. We have had just enough rain to put some water in the streams (we could use a lot more). The weather has been very pleasant. I have tried to take advantage of the excellent conditions to spend as many nights as I could, camping out near the trail. I’m sure I’ll be out there a lot more before 2023 draws to a close.

Me and Fred are always looking for more people who enjoy hiking and camping to join us, so feel free to leave a comment if you’re up for an overnight, or a weekend in a beautiful forest.

admin https://www.weetocktrail.org

I am an avid outdoors person. I recharge my batteries by hiking, kayaking, and spending time in nature. I created this blog to share some of my knowledge and experiences related to the Weetock trail and the surrounding natural areas, including the White Oak River and Hunters Creek.

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