On my last night hike with Fred and one of his friends, we started out just before sunset and I had my prescription sunglasses on from the drive. I packed my other glasses in my backpack, but I completely forgot I had my sunglasses on until well after dark. My hiking buddies were no help. When I finally realized that I had dark glasses on, my outlook got much brighter. We had a bright moon and a very clear sky, so there was a good deal of natural light.
My plan for the next few days (Dec 22 – 25) is to explore some more on the east side of HW 58 and hopefully spend at least one night in the forest; probably next to Holsten Creek. I’m up for company, if anyone wants to join me. If you leave a comment here, I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I see it. Your e-mail address is not shared with the public, but I can see it so I can respond by e-mail. Be sure to watch your spam folder, in case my response ends up there.