I set out yesterday (Nov 7, 2023) with a mission. I left work early because I was on day 3 of a nagging headache and I just couldn’t stare at a computer screen any longer. I’m pretty sure I have a terminal brain tumor. I got to the forest around 15:30 (3:30pm), so I had a couple hours before sunset. Fred was still working, so I set out on my own.
The fall weather was just too nice to resist. Even as the sun set, it was still around 70 degrees (21 C). I hiked from Hillfield Road to a place I call “The Hidden Valley” where there is a small stream and lots of magestic trees.
I managed to get back to my car as the last light was fading in the sky. I did one last hike in the dark, after grabbing a jacket from the car. I departed the forest around 18:35 (6:35pm). It has already been dark for nearly an hour, so it felt much later.