Holsten Creek Hike

Estimated read time 1 min read

The last day of my roaming weekend was spent doing laundry and exploring on Holsten Creek with Fred. We parked on HW 58 and hiked mostly north-east, tracking close to the creek where we could. We crossed the creek and hiked up to Holsten Creek Rd (a forest road). We both ended up wading in the creek for different reasons. The water was not that cold. I’m slowly getting a better idea of the best places to hike to avoid briars and swampy areas.

The flood control people removed a lot of the timber that was obstructing the flow of the creek, but they didn’t get very far up the creek from the highway. I am still planning to launch my kayak on the creek one day, and see how far I can get. I am going to have to navigate over or around dozens of obstructions, but it would be fun on a warm day. Holsten creek is shallow and has a sandy bottom, so it won’t be difficult to walk the boat over logs if I don’t mind getting wet. It’s all part of the adventure!

admin https://www.weetocktrail.org

I am an avid outdoors person. I recharge my batteries by hiking, kayaking, and spending time in nature. I created this blog to share some of my knowledge and experiences related to the Weetock trail and the surrounding natural areas, including the White Oak River and Hunters Creek.

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