Fred and I have been doing some night hiking, recently. I haven’t been out as often as I’d like, but we’ve been hiking 6-8 miles after dark. We’ve had a big, bright moon to make it less dark, so there is that. I still can’t get much in the way of photos to share in this blog. I managed to photograph a puddle. 🙂
I did find 6 or so shot-up fire extinguishers at the end of Hillfield Road. I know there are no prominent signs on the west side of HW58, but it might be worth noting that target shooting is banned in the entire Croatan National Forest, because it’s not safe to shoot without a backstop. The ban actually came about when a forest ranger had bullets zinging over his head while doing fieldwork. I’ve had several unsettling encounters with target shooters out there. Unfortunately for all of the people who might shoot safely, there are others who are careless and ruin it for everyone. Since I hike all over out there, I’d rather not have random bullets flying around. Hunters are different because they aren’t just spraying lead downrange, indiscriminately … at least I hope they aren’t.
I guess that’s one advantage to hiking after dark, you don’t hear much gunfire, if any. I love the sounds of the forest at night. In addition to the exercise and fresh air I enjoy on a hike, the soundscape is soothing. I sure hope nothing happens to the forest, because I’d be distraught if I didn’t have a place to get away from it all and commune with nature.