Two Back-to-Back Overnights

Estimated read time 5 min read

Unfortunately, I had 2 meetings on Friday afternoon, so I couldn’t just stay in the forest for 3 days and 2 nights, but I left my camp set up when I left Friday morning (March 7) and I returned to it that night. I used the same campsite that Fred and I camped at on our Unplanned Camping Trip, recently. I camped there one other time, also. However, I don’t think I blogged about that trip.

The site is not far off the official trail, and a short hike on the trail from Lollipop Road (the one that angles towards Haywood Landing).

I went there on Thursday after work and I hiked around the area, scouting for a sheltered site; it was pretty windy. Once it got dark, I walked back to my car, got my camping backpack and hiked to the spot that I knew would be comfortable and quiet; even though it wasn’t the most sheltered from the wind.

It was pretty chilly on Thursday night and it got colder overnight, so I had my warm sleeping bag. Of course I slept in my favorite hammock! I used the “hot tent” shelter, again. I love that I can be protected from the wind in a 4-season tent, but still sleep in my hammock. I know I’ve raved about it, before, but I still feel like it’s worth mentioning it’s best features. Since I started on a cold night, the following night was almost too warm for the sleeping bag I had carried out there.

Another thing I was kind of excited about was some freeze dried meals I had purchased recently from REI. There are so many things I have not tried, in part because they don’t give them away, but also because I’m usually out on one-night trips and you can take just about anything you want on an overnight. You can even eat a big meal before you embark, make coffee in the morning, and just wait to eat until you get back to civilization. I carry breakfast bars both for snacking purposes and to eat with my morning coffee, if I’m not packing anything more substantial.

Speaking of breakfast, one of the freeze dried meals I tried was Blueberry & Peach Crisp, which I prepared for breakfast on Friday morning. That was really tasty. I would definitely buy more of those.

For dinner on Friday, I had a Chicken Fajita Bowl that was as good as any restaurant food I’ve had. The chicken was remarkably fresh and the texture was perfect. It might have been a little spicy for some people, but I love spicy food and I think it was seasoned to perfection. At $12, I really can’t stock up on those, but I will definitely order some more for longer trips. After I finished the 2-serving packet, I was ready to relax and enjoy the evening with a full stomach. The meal was good and the atmosphere couldn’t be beaten, so I guess it was worth the price. I just couldn’t eat like that all the time.

Saturday was just a lazy morning. I didn’t have to go to work, so I stayed in my hammock until 08:20, even though I had been mostly awake since before sunrise. It was just so cozy and the birds were singing. Once I got up, I made coffee, cowboy style, and I ended up drinking it all because Fred slept even later. I know I woke him up with all my shuffling about in the noisy leaves, but he refused to show his face until well after I had finished my breakfast and the coffee I had planned on sharing was all gone.

This time, I opened a breakfast MRE and I at the granola with blueberries and a muffin. That was all I wanted, so I saved the entree for Fred. He never did get any coffee, though. My single biggest complaint about MREs is the amount of trash. I know they are probably ideal for their intended purpose, but for camping, it’s a lot of extra wrapping to pack out.

While I was waiting for Fred to crawl out of his hammock, I walked some of my gear back to the car and took some time to explore the area with my camera. The entire area around that campsite is peaceful and bucolic. I took some photos of the trees, the stream, the inviting forest scenes, and the campsite from a distance. My shelter blends in pretty well with the forest landscape.

It was around 13:00 when we finally left. I had planned to go kayaking after breaking camp, but the wind was picking up strength, and, lets face it, kayaking sounded like work at that point. It won’t be as warm on Sunday, but the wind will be around 5mph, so I might get out on the water then.


I am an avid outdoors person. I recharge my batteries by hiking, kayaking, and spending time in nature. I created this blog to share some of my knowledge and experiences related to the Weetock trail and the surrounding natural areas, including the White Oak River and Hunters Creek.

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